I literally almost didn't see this movie--but I wanted to say that I saw every movie this year, so I convinced myself to see it. But seeing it meant that I had to watch the first two movies as well. Basically, this film continues the story of the first two installments and furthers Bella's conflict of whether or not she's going to choose Edward or Jacob.
These movies are just a way for the studio to get money. All three films combined could have been made into one movie. These films are like watching grass grow. They are slow and repetitive. Nothing seems to be getting accomplished between films. And this 3rd film almost didn't differ from the decisions that accompanied the endings of the first two films. It feels as though each film barely deepens the story at all. They are way too long, and the filmmakers think that having extremely slow-paced films make people think of it as a work of art. But we don't--we think of it as a bigger waste of time. Why are these films ALL more than 2 hours, when they could literally be combined into one movie of LESS than 2 hours?!?! The dialogue is so unrealistic, but the sad part is that Twilight fans perceive it as realistic. The actor who plays Jacob (Taylor Lautner) is horrible. It's painful watching him act sometimes. The highlight in the acting department is Robert Pattinson (Edward). Otherwise, these films lack character depth in 90% of the characters. Most of these characters could trade roles with the other characters and no one would know the difference.
Also, these films take themselves way too seriously. This one, actually, took itself the LEAST seriously out of the whole franchise. It also provided the most interesting background story out of the 3 existing films. These films make you want to know what happens next, but its like pulling teeth trying to figure it out. Wesley Morris of the Boston Globe states it best by saying, "the movies are interesting without ever being good."
Out of the three films, this one was probably the best and most entertaining, but that isn't saying much.
Overall Grade: C-
-Ethan Brehm
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