Usually if a movie is well-acted, not cliche, and a unique story line, I'm gonna like it. This is an exception. It stars Annette Bening (Nick) and Julianne Moore (Julia) as a lesbian couple with two teenage kids who want to find and meet their sperm donor, Paul (Mark Ruffalo), for the first time.
As if the premise isn't awkward enough, how it unfolds is even worse. It's full of uncomfortable and unnecessary sex scenes--even if it were a straight couple. The most interesting part was how the kids reacted and acted towards meeting Paul. The film did have superb acting, however. The film wasn't cliche and it had very real-to-life dialogue, which I like. There just weren't really any funny parts either--and I assume that it was supposed to be a bit of a comedy. A lady behind me said to her friend after the movie was over that the film had great acting, but there wasn't much to the story. This may be so, but that's not what made me not like it. I didn't like it for the fact that it really didn't do anything for me. It didn't provide me with a meaningful and useful message for myself. Maybe for others I guess. I assume it's because I'm pretty conservative, but I don't think I would have like it even if it were a straight couple--in fact I know I wouldn't. And one of the main characters was very abruptly written out of the film in a way that felt rushed--like the writer(s) didn't know what to do.
Watching this film made me realize that I'm not giving films grades so much on how well done they are, but on how much I liked them. And I didn't really like this film all that much.
Overall Grade: D+
-Ethan Brehm
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