This film by James L. Brooks is about a love triangle between Lisa (Reese Witherspoon) who is just cut from the USA softball team, George (Paul Rudd) who is a corporate executive who suddenly finds himself as the target of a criminal investigation for corporate malfeasance, and Matty (Owen Wilson) who is a major league baseball player who likes to party. Jack Nicholson plays Charles--George's father and boss.
The film is well acted and exploits the talents of the four leads very well. It does tend to be very confusing towards the beginning regarding the story of George getting investigated--they don't really explain it very well, and speak in terms that are hard to understand compared to the easily understood rest of the movie. It's just not really clear why the investigation is happening, and when they explain it, it doesn't seem to make much sense until later. However, the characters are all well developed and the dialogue is smart and witty. Rudd broadens his repertoire of characters with this role and helps make the film. The movie moved a bit too slow in the beginning, but after that it picks up pace and is full of laughs. The story is a beautiful and meaningful love story that makes you think. Despite the slowness and confusing dialogue towards the beginning, the rest of the film makes up for it.
Overall Grade: A-
-Ethan Brehm
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