This film is about Holly (Katherine Heigl) and Messer (Josh Duhamel) who were once set up on a blind date by their mutual friends (Peter and Alison) who are married. The date didn't last past the walk to the car and they didn't like eachother ever since. They were the godparents of Peter and Alison's only daughter, Sophie. When Sophie was not even a year old, her parents die in a car crash. However, they appoint Holly and Messer as guardians in their will. Holly and Messer try to figure out what to do with this situation without it messing up their entire lives.
This movie was great! It was funny and well-written. The chemistry between Duhamel and Heigl was excellent and the humor used in this film is just the type that I tend to enjoy the most. I usually don't really care for Katherine Heigl too much, but I tried to look past that in this film. Before I saw critics' responses to this film I predicted exactly what the general consensus would say: "Heigl and Duhamel's chemistry was great, but it couldn't make up for the formulaic plot." And guess, what? That was EXACTLY what it said! I don't care if it's formulaic. Like I've said before, it's formulaic for a reason--these types of movies help to show us why it became a formula in the first place. It's an enjoyable movie. Isn't that all we ask for??
Overall Grade: A-
-Ethan Brehm
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