This film is based off of a animated TV show. It stars mostly people you've never heard of, except maybe Dev Patel, and it was directed by M. Night Shyamalan. It's about this boy, Aang, who was discovered to be the avatar who could bend all the elements of the world. However, Prince Zuko (Patel) is on a hunt to capture Aang in order to gain love and respect from his father. The two kids who discovered Aang are trying to protect him.
This film is very hard to comprehend because much is left out and left for interpretation--as if the filmmakers assumed that everyone watching the movie follows the TV show. My girlfriend was with me, and I'm glad she was because I was having the hardest time understanding things, and she had to keep explaining to me why things were happening. The acting is not even kind of good--with the exception of Patel perhaps. And the dialogue is humorous as times. The film does have a great plot once you figure out what it is, but the execution of explaining things was very poor. The effects were awesome, and so was the level of suspense (for those, of course, who knew what was happening). But in general, this isn't a movie that I would watch over and over again, but now that I know the plot, I think I would look forward to a sequel.
The things that this film lacked were kind of disappointing--especially since Shyamalan is one of my favorite directors and writers. All I'm saying is that they could have made this film at least slightly longer in order to explain a FEW more details.
Now that I get what happened in the film, it actually wasn't a bad film, but I must grade it based off of how it would have been if I wasn't able to ask my girlfriend every 5 minutes what was happening and why. So my grade is for a person who doesn't watch the TV show.
Overall Grade: C (otherwise it could potentially be as high as an A-)
-Ethan Brehm
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