Saturday, June 5, 2010


I love Saturday Night Live, however, this sketch has never been one of my favorites. However, I do have to say that I liked the movie better than the sketch. It had one or two scenes that were really hysterical. It's about a bombs expert (or something) who makes weapons and tools out of nothing (like MacGyver). Except he's really not all that good, but he gets the job done--kind of like a Jacques Clouseau type of character. In other words, it was an action comedy.

It was great seeing Will Forte (MacGruber) as a leading role because he is really funny, and I've always admired his ability to never break character. Also, Kristen Wiig plays Vicki St. Elmo, who is MacGruber's partner, and I she is one of my favorite all-time cast members on SNL.

But anyway, amidst the hilarious situations and antics, you find some very awkward scenes that make you feel a bit uncomfortable (at least for me). The comedic talent is tremendous in this movie. The type of humor in this film is sort of an acquired taste, and definitely a product of the time that we're living in (much like Animal House or Caddyshack). There are some good one-liners in this film, and it definitely serves the purpose that it was aiming for, however, it may be good, but I just wouldn't find myself buying it on DVD. Although, I would watch it again anytime. I think it would grow on me.

Overall Grade: B

-Ethan Brehm

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