This is a very interesting take on what has happened overseas in Iraq and the United States' involvement in it. I am not sure about the details of HOW they came up with the accusations in this movie or anything like that, I just know that the storyline made for a good film!
Matt Damon, playing Roy Miller, a warrant officer in the US Army special forces who is in charge of finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq around 2003. However, every site that he and his team get a lead on turns out to be empty. He gets suspicious and looks into the events that are happening. A CIA officer by the name of Martin Brown (Brendan Gleeson) sees Miller's concern and goes out of his way to let him know that he, too, believes that the WMD search is all part of a cover-up that Greg Kinnear's character, Clark Poundstone, lied about because he knew that it would cause the US to go into Iraq and eventually push democracy there. (Don't worry, this doesn't really give anything away). Throughout the film, Miller tries to prove his hunches and blow the whistle on the whole thing. Only, there are several things standing in his way.
This is a very good film that keeps you emotionally involved and, at times, self-conflicted. There are some things that really make you think on either side of the case--especially something that this one Iraqi citizen, Freddie, says towards the end of the film.
If you enjoyed Matt Damon's Bourne series, supposedly this film will appeal to you (same director). I enjoyed this film a lot, although my ADD kicked in a couple parts and I had to be reminded of what was going on. Controversy has struck this film as well because many felt that it was anti-war or anti-American--but you be the ultimate judge.
(SPOILER ALERT!)I, personally, felt that it could have leaned in the opposite direction of its conclusion with Miller realizing the opposite of what he did based on what Freddie told him a couple nights before. But that's just my opinion--it was a good film either way!
Overall Grade: B
-Ethan Brehm
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